What about greens?
En español? (Mira la colaboracion con Ashram VIDA el 16/1/13)
You can very often hear about the benefits and wonders of the mediterrenean diet. However, most of what you will find, is about fish consumptions, omega fatty acids and antioxidants (through red wine). What about greens?
http://www.foodmatters.tv |
Yes, wild greens, leafy green vegetables- I want it all green! , and that is in deed what you would use to make some green greek pies, a nice pesto, green filling for a calzone, or thick vinagreta for your new antipasti.
Maybe you dont eat them every week, but I believe everyone can imagine some dish or at least the looks on spinach, chicoree, urugola, kale... or some other well established greens. (Popeye anyone? )
And although somehow missleading (the whole iron and Vitamin C issue ), these greens actually represent the most important source of antioxidants.
Radish, Kohlrabi, Carrots... Yes they all have lots of green leaves, and most important, you can eat them and they can be very tasty. As a plus, well, they happen to be in many ways even more nutritios then the part of the plant we usually eat (Rich in antooxidants, high dosis of vitamin C and A, relative good iron quantities and very good mineral sources) and yes they have an amazing green color allowing us to have some colorful fun with our dishes.
Rezept? ganz Einfach!
zB. Pesto!, geht sehr schnell und ist sehr lecker!
1 Knoblauchzeh (oder mehr da gibts auch welche die mehr moegen :),
gemahlene Mandeln Brotkruemmel und Oel (vllt je 3 Loeffel),
Salz, Oregano, Thymian (so viel wie auch gewollt)
und eine Orange (Saft und etwas Fruchtfleisch)
Einfach die Blaetter mit Knoblauch und Oel purieren und dann alles andere rein geben
Diesen pesto passt auch super als soße für Pizza, oder auch auf selbstgebackene baguettes drauf !
Viel Spass!!!
For some interesting information I recommend:
Nutritional composition and ¯avonoid content of edible wild greens and green pies: a potential rich source of antioxidant nutrients in the Mediterranean diet. A. Trichopoulou et al. / Food Chemistry 70 (2000) 319-323
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