Snacks for the perfect party

Most of us enjoy to get together with friends, have some drinks, watch a movie, maybe game night or just a nice evening chatting among great people and no such gathering would be as great without some snacks. With great snacks, comes great responsibility...
Or so you could say, as they can actually make any party a wonderful one, without having to invest to much money or effort. 

Perceived diversity and abundance. 

Expectation and perception are among the key factors of having that killer dinner party. Both of which you can easily upgrade with some few ideas. 
For example: having the same amount of food and dishes distributed in many smaller dishes, instead of fewer larger ones, gives guests the illusion of there been more food and variety of it. 


Not only our guests, but the food! If you are only having snacks try avoiding dishes that look too complete and have instead of them a variety of elements which you can mix together. The Finger-Food-Party principle is a very good example. This way you wont have  specific foods some of your guest might not be able or want to eat (think about food intolerance, special diets or just food preferences) thus allowing your food as a whole to be an instrument of bringing the party together. 

Key Brick stones
Though having some elements here and there may motivate your guests to mindlessly eat and have fun, it is more likely of your Key Brick stones or Signature Foods to be the ones which can not only help you gain time in the preparation but also make your guest feel great. 

What do I mean with Key Brick stones? Well, easy recipies or food Elements, which you can learn and practice to be your good old friends in the kitchen. Easy ingredients, and the possibility to do lots of it at best with some pantry stock items. For a party, I love some country potatoes, or some cheesy breadsticks out of buttermilk dough. Goes easy, and you can make a lot, put them in the oven just before your guest arrive and keep them coming nice and warm. The short travels to the kitchen to get more, wont keep you from enjoying the party (as maybe some fajitas or keeping up with the grill would) and it grows the expectation of people around the preparation and effort put into your food (good points on that). 

Day to day; create your own! 
These ideas work also perfectly to brighten your everyday meals and could help you save money and time taking the best out of your own ingredients. Key Brick stones can be cooked once a week and help you as a side dish, or with some little twist become your next meal. (Leftover recycle?; more on that later). 

Here are some Examples on what you could have for your next gathering my colleagues and friends. 

Finger Food:
Vegetable Sticks (Carrot, Celery, Chicorée, Kohlrabi, etc.) 
Falafel (Very easy recipe coming up) 
Sushi (Tips and tricks coming up) 
Chicken Wings 
Bread Sticks (Very easy recipe coming up) 

Great Dips & Sauces: Green Peas Ginger Cream
Curd Lentil-Chili
Curd & Tuna 
Home Made Ketchup 
Honey Mustard  

Easy “Cooked Meals” 
Country Potatoes (Easy Recipe coming soon) 
Pizza Rolls 
Remember, If you wish information on any other recipe here, have some more good Ideas, or just want to tell us something go ahead and contact us.


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