To Pizza or not to pizza
Because pizza it’s sometimes not just pizza or any pizza, this is what I sometimes think about once I decide to make some pizza. Do I have the time? What am I craving for? How many will join us? Red or green? And so on…
I think pizza is always more than just pizza, and whether you are nuts about food like me or just order in without thinking to much, pizza is an all time favourite. It might be its soul food potential, the easy way to eat it, the many ways to share it or just on the whole how versatile the concept can get. And I talk about a concept as it goes beyond one or two recipes; it can be a whole new dish and you can give 100 names and references to them, but I think everyone would take it as a pizza. Fast food, slow food, greasy bomb or healthy treat, my dear pizza friend is one of my favourites to do and share with my friends. Vegetarian, vegan, lactose free, fructose free, and gluten free… you name it, you can make a pizza (I know I have tried and enjoyed many). But there will always be one particular one, you would personally really call a pizza.
For me, it’s a not so paper thin crust you can do some chewing on, and for the taste im looking for, you need some time and the right ingredients and know how. This dough will formed on a gluten basis and you therefore need high protein wheat flour, but much more important knead thoroughly. Not exactly the recipe for when you want pizza NOW!, will have some friends come over in an hour or just don’t want to work on it. So, as a friend of cooking and a pizza lover, I have many recipes and ways to make your desired pizza and I would like to share them with you.
Here some Examples:
Bread machine bread flour pizza
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